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Sarah Seaman

Sarah Seaman

Sarah, better known in her industry as ''The Muddy Puddle Teacher,'' is an inspirational, educational author, teacher and consultant who took herself from a lower-ability child to a high-performing adult.

After years of struggling with her confidence and academic abilities, in 2009, Sarah qualified as a teacher. Surprised by how little education had come on in supporting Neurodivergent children, after ten years in teaching, she created an approach that helped teachers be more inclusive of how neurodivergent children learn.

Over 23,000 teachers are trained on her unique teaching approach in the UK, with over 500+ whole school state, nursery and SEND-trained schools. One of her special needs schools is a hub of excellence declared by the Scottish Government. They all happily teach academic lessons outside, from embedding multiplication on giant chalkboards to practising punctuation through racing and tag games. (view here).

Sarah, who also has dyslexia and ADHD, also speaks about her incredible personal journey, learning how she best learns, from a lower-ability child to an adult with two degrees, a master's, a published book and a thriving business. She is also a proud mum to two girls, one of whom is thriving with her neurodivergence.

Sarah is a very experienced educational speaker, with her first book published by Bloomsbury (view here); she has just completed her second, which will be out in 2025. Sarah appears weekly on BBC Radio Sheffield as a teacher expert alongside radio host Becky Measures and has done so for three years. She also makes ad-hoc appearances on other BBC Radio Shows as and when needed, such as BBC Radio Derby and BBC Radio 3.

Sarah has spoken at numerous events/universities and schools, with more booked this year, including the Education Festival, Play2Conference, Sheffield University, Sheffield Hallam and Edge Hill University. In 2022, Sarah won an MP award for her business at the Houses of Parliament; she is now part of the Savvitas group, a parliament-run inspirational women's group and attends parliament four times a year.

She is also a bit of a social media influencer with 50,000 followers on her Facebook group, 14+ on TikTok and Instagram and a popular podcast.

Testimonials from Teachers

"We had an in person training provided by Sarah and it was incredible! We had other providers join us so it was a good way to network with other settings and we all fed off each others ideas and conversations. Sarah was pleasurable to listen to and had a warm presence. We got some great ideas and useful tools to help us move forward to be better more proactive practitioners. Thanks Muddy Puddle Team!"

– Julie

"The muddy puddle approach really resonates with me - I’ve always wondered why schools didn’t use their outside areas more . I was thinking of traditional lessons outside - was always told that wouldn’t work. The muddy puddle teacher expands on this and her enthusiasm and authenticity shine . I loved this mini course and would like to do further training ."

– Sarah Homan

"It was a great opportunity to host Muddy Puddle Teacher training at our school. The training was amazing, it gave all the staff in attendance lot's of ideas and a chance to network and chat about their own provisions. The resources are fab and easy to use and great if you're struggling for ideas or just need a blast of new ones in a specific subject area. I would highly recommend!"

– Charlotte Willoughby

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