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Ryan Carty

Ryan Carty

Family homelessness at 6, various Adverse Childhood Experiences, being exploited through fraud and being blacklisted at 16, an ADHD and Dyspraxia diagnosis at 19 after many dismissals from education professionals closely followed by an unjust college exclusion resulting in capped BTEC grades from DMM to PPP after an alteration with a student/staff member have all fuelled Ryans journey to complete 3 Higher Education qualifications including a Masters in Education from University College London, become a co-founder of the EYC Project C.I.C. supporting vulnerable young people, and dedicate his life to working with the UKs most vulnerable people in various professional capacities.

As a young person, Ryan normalised unhealthy behaviours in relationships until early adulthood due to the blueprint he was provided with from various environments from a young age. This meant that despite presenting as a high functioning individual, behind the scenes low self-esteem, searching for love and acceptance in the wrong places, addictive behaviours, and a severe lack of identity drove decisions that had detrimental impacts on Ryans life in the form of various areas of disadvantage including mental health challenges and diagnosis, financial struggles and risk of homelessness. Recognition and acceptance of the impact trauma has had on him has resulted in him seeking to better himself for those he is surrounded by and become the best he can be for the young people he serves. Consequently, he has taken time to reflect, learn and reshape the relationship he has with his trauma through studying, reading, and therapy.

After underachieving at GCSE level, failing A levels and leaving in his 2nd year after being on the verge of exclusion, then being excluded from his second college through unjust circumstances, Ryan now has a first class degree in Sport and Exercise Science, a PGCE and Qualified Teacher Status, and a Masters in Education from UCL which is renowned for being the best university in the world for Education studies, all whilst being recognised for many achievements along the way. Whilst these academic achievements once felt near enough impossible for him, it is his passion for working with the most vulnerable young people that has allowed him to find purpose and fulfilment in his life which is a long way from the suicidal ideation that consumed him in his early to mid 20s.

Through this discovery, he has worked with thousands of young people and young adults in London, Leicester, Bolton and South Africa, often to great success primarily due to his mindset of never being afraid to take on a challenge or work through the mud with those he is supporting as he has been there himself. In future years, Ryan aspires to positively impact the lives of as many young people as possible and support those working in spaces supporting young people. Additionally, he aims to have an impact on education policy specifically regarding exclusions because of the life changing impact his exclusion and negative education experiences have had on the trajectory of his life.

Ryan now uses his experiences of adversity to help young people with seeing that with consistency, finding your why, and discipline, you can achieve any goal you set your mind to. Additionally, by using his life experiences to work with adults, he creates spaces that helps them see the importance of being a trusted adult for young people in any space that young people are involved with.

Through emotive storytelling, vulnerability and transparency, Ryans sharing of his own experiences offers an invite into the realities of life for those that are also overcoming their own adversity or supporting those with challenging circumstances alongside solutions of what can be done to support vulnerable young people.

Testimonials from Teachers

"Thanks for representing today as a former PGCE student. From the feedback, I heard you have inspired our current cohort and that you did the PGCE and your former personal tutor Tracey proud as a motivational speaker."

– Dr Charmaine Brown, Senior Lecturer FETs, University of Greenwich

"Observing Ryan coaching a team of young people is nothing but pure magic. He holds their attention and talks the language they understand for them to refocus and take action"

– Chris Connors, Cocos Foundation Founder

"The leader set the tone of the session right from the beginning. The yp were a little unsure, right at the start about the 'sun shines on' activity and then it landed! The leader connected with all of the YP's and they engaged really well as they could relate to his life experiences and the choices he had made. The scenarios they broke down like the volatility one, was really powerful and they got it straight away. People really undersell the importance of relationships and how they are affected and influenced by their relationships that stye get involved in, like county lines, hobbies and their passion."

– Kaine Senkumba, Palace for Life Targeted Intervention Youth Worker

"The session with Ryan was great! We are currently collating an internal evaluation but I expect it to be very positive. Ryan listened to the remit I gave him and hit the right note spot on, leaving leaders with a very poignant and thought provoking message. He was easy to work with, great with communication and personable. I would really like to work with Ryan again."

– Shirley Young, Head Of Safeguarding, Actibe Learning Trust

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