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Ray Wells

Ray Wells

How News from a credible source really works, how decisions are made, the purpose and value of good photography and - more importantly - the people behind the camera.

After Warwick University (Italian & European Literature) and industrial engineering sales in the Middle East, he spent 40 years in national journalism: from the Mirror, Fleet Street News Agency, Mail and Observer to The Times and The Sunday Times where he was Picture Editor for 26 years while also being one of its contributing photographers.

He has run picture desks, lead teams of photographers and as one himself, been to some challenging places along with shooting news, features, sport, portraits and studio work.

Learning how News actually works, how editors make decisions, navigating and surviving in a stressful environment where failure is not an option; all necessary skills that may seem overwhelming and cannot easily be acquired.

However, talking in an accessible way to an interested young audience who face the daunting prospect of making sense of a fractured world amid a bewildering choice of information in which they have little faith or engagement but a great deal invested is, he believes, vitally important. That and making them laugh..obviously.

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