Careers is not something that should only be considered at the end of a student’s education, it is vital that young people are introduced to the idea of careers as early possible. There are key times planned into most school calendars when careers education takes priority, for example during KS3 options and prior to the transition between KS4 and 5. Make sure these timetabled events are planned seamlessly into the curriculum, and that time is allocated to allow students to consider their options carefully.
The information students have access to must be impartial not least because this is a statutory duty but because this will ensure your learners have the best chance to make decisions that are right for them.
Careers education may traditionally consist of learning how to write a CVs and how to research jobs etc but we believe there is much more to it than just careers lessons. There are hundreds of innovative and exciting things schools can do to ensure students have the opportunity to develop the skills they will need in their future careers.
The main aim of education is to ensure students become well rounded individuals and employees, employers / entrepreneurs of the future. Contextualising learning is vital not only to engage learners with the curriculum but to highlight to them at every opportunity how the skills and knowledge they are acquiring every day are relevant to the real world of work and real life. Take every opportunity you can to add a real life or work related context to lessons and really sell your subject.
Get your students to create and continuously update a learning / careers profile with their goals and achievements. They should start this as early as possible in their education and keep an up to date record of their progression and skills development so that when it comes to writing CVs and applying for jobs they have lots of things to say about themselves.
Interest your students in your lessons by debating what the future may hold for the subject and jobs that might disappear or come into existence with advancing technology.
Be interested in your student’s aspirations and discuss their likes / dislikes, strengths and weaknesses at every opportunity so you can guide them better and they can better understand themselves when making choices.
For students
Before you start to consider your future career you should do as much thinking as you can about yourself, your personality, your values, likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Write these things down and begin any careers search with this in mind. Can you turn your hobbies, interests and strengths into your dream career?
Make sure you will definitely enjoy working in an industry or in a particular career by doing as much research as possible, try to find out what the day to day responsibilities will be for various job roles and what different environments will be like to work in. Try to see yourself working in a particular job or industry, would you be happy?
Make a record of any careers or industry sectors you find out about that interest you and make notes of what skills, qualities and qualifications you might need.
Compare your list of skills and qualities to the requirements of any jobs that interest you and make a plan of action that addresses any gaps. What qualifications do you need to choose, is there anything you can be doing in your spare time to gain experience / develop the skills you need? Make all of these things your goals and create a plan of action.
At every opportunity write down your achievements, this can include anything you think is relevant or important. You should record traditional achievements like qualifications, awards, excellent grades, involvement in after school clubs and work experience but you should also include things that make you stand out from the crowd. How are you different to everyone else?
Planning and keeping a record will help you when you come to write your CV and any personal statements for college or university. Make sure you keep your career record and action plan somewhere safe so that when it is time to write applications for any courses / jobs you have a bank of ideas and things to include that prove you are interested in your chosen career and are the perfect person for the job.
To find out more details or make a booking please call us on 01924 277343 or get in touch through our enquiry form.
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What People Say
Joy Marsden: I have just returned to my office after the interview event and I can only say how wonderful our students were. I think your presentation yesterday hit just the right note and prepared them in advance, not only to face the interview but to have the confidence to approach businesses just to ‘chat’. Thank you so much for being involved in this event and I look forward to seeing you in the future
– Karen Betty, Skills for Life Co-ordinator, Northampton Academy
Truly incredible from beginning to end! His presentation was pitched perfectly for our students who sat in stunned silence listening intently to his amazing story. We really couldn’t have asked for a more passionate or inspirational speaker!
– Lisa Green, National Enterprise Academy
The presentation was truly inspiring; our students really enjoyed listening to John's experiences in the Royal Marines and his role working for TV companies in the jungle and they realised they could be just like him. By working hard, broadening their horizons, learning new skills and believing in themselves, they too could achieve anything they put their hearts into. An inspiring day that left an enduring impression - fantastic.
– Adrian Barber, Project Manager, Bigger Picture Arts
Just a quick note to say how much we all enjoyed Alex’s talk. He was an absolute trooper getting through 2 hours of talking with his voice slowly getting more hoarse! The students were fascinated by his story and the advice he gave them was priceless. Nothing I could have told them about the world of work could have had so much impact. The students were rapt and he responded very well to their questions. The talk was very memorable, funny and informative. We will definitely be looking to book him again next year.
– Heather Wilson, Teacher of English/ Head of PHSCE, Portland Place School
Claire’s speech showed that she fully understood the ethos of the school; it was informative, encouraging and motivational. Pupils and parents have commented on how much they enjoyed listening to her and how much they appreciated the care she took to make our prize winners feel special. We will certainly use her ‘top tips’ to reinforce the valuable messages she passed on. Our only problem now is how to follow this next year!
– Elizabeth Thomas, Head Mistress, Stonar School
Dynamic, forthright, bold, but utterly charming, Claire showed insight and understanding, offering pertinent advice to individuals and groups alike. A consummate professional and a true inspiration to all young women.
– Ian Edwards, Head of Business, Tudorhall School
From my experience of working with Emma-Jane I would feel comfortable in recommending her self-esteem & confidence workshops and hope we can collaborate on some work in the future.